01/11/2012 New Releases

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #677 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Avengers 1959 (2011) #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive (2010) #528 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Captain America (2011) #7 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Carnage, U.S.A. (2011) #2 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Daken: Dark Wolverine (0000) #19 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - Fourth Series (2013) #2 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Deadpool (2008) #49 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Ghost Rider: Cycle of Vengeance (2011) #1 
1/11/12 - $5.99
Journey Into Mystery (2011) #633 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Magneto: Not a Hero (2011) #3 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes (2010) #22 
1/11/12 - $2.99
New Avengers (2010) #20 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Northanger Abbey (2011) #3 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Punishermax (2010) #21 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Scarlet Spider (2011) #1 
1/11/12 - $3.99
The Incredible Hulk (2010) #4 
1/11/12 - $3.99
The Stand: The Night Has Come (0000) #6 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Ultimate Comics X-Men (2010) #6 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Wolverine (2010) #300 
1/11/12 - $4.99
Wolverine & the X-Men (2011) #4 
1/11/12 - $3.99
X-Factor (2005) #230 
1/11/12 - $2.99
X-Men Legacy (2008) #1 
1/11/12 - $2.99

The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #15 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Batgirl #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Batman and Robin #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Batwoman #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Cartoon Network Action Pack #66 
1/11/12 - $2.99
DC Universe Online Legends #21 (of 26) 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Deathstroke #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Demon Knights #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E. #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Green Lantern #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Grifter #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Legion Lost #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Mister Terrific #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
My Greatest Adventure #4 (of 6) 
1/11/12 - $3.99
Northlanders #47 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Ray #2 (of 4) 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Resurrection Man #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Scalped #55 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Shade #4 (of 12) 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Suicide Squad #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Superboy #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Unwritten #33 
1/11/12 - $2.99

Activity #2 
1/11/12 - $3.50
Avengelyne #6 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Darkness #97 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Deadlands: Black Water (One Shot) 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Heart #3 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Invincible #87 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Last of the Greats #4 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Moriarty #8 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Pigs #5 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Reed Gunther #7 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Severed #6 (of 7) 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Spawn #215 
1/11/12 - $2.99
The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #4 
1/11/12 - $2.99
Whispers #1 
1/11/12 - $2.99