Upcoming Releases


Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #680 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Astonishing X-Men (2004) #47 
2/29/12 - $3.99
FF (2010) #15 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Moon Knight (2010) #10 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Six Guns (2011) #5 
2/29/12 - $2.99
The Twelve (2010) #10 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Ultimate Ultimates (2011) #7 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Ultimate X-Men (2010) #8 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Venom (2011) #13.4 
2/29/12 - $2.99

Batman Beyond Unlimited #1 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Batman: Odyssey #5 (of 7) 
2/29/12 - $2.99
DC Universe Online Legends #24 (of 26) 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Gears of War #22 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Justice League #6 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Legion: Secret Origins #5 (of 6) 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Looney Tunes #205 
2/29/12 - $2.99
The Shade #5 (of 12) 
2/29/12 - $2.99
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #4 (of 6) 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Tiny Titans #49 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Uncharted #4 (of 6) 
2/29/12 - $2.99

GI Joe - Official Movie Prequel #2 
2/29/12 - $3.99
GI Joe: A Real American Hero Annual #1 
2/29/12 - $7.99
Hawken #4 (of 6) 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Infestation 2: Team Up #1 (One-shot) 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Locke and Key: Clockworks #5 (of 6) 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Magic: The Gathering #3 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Star Trek #6  2/29/12 - $3.99 TMNT: Microseries #3 - Donatello  2/29/12 - $3.99    

The Darkness #100 
2/29/12 - $4.99
Green Wake #10 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Hack/Slash #13 
2/29/12 - $3.50
Invincible #89 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Netherworld #4 (of 5) 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Orc Stain #7 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Pigs #6 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Vescell #6 
2/29/12 - $2.99
The Walking Dead #94  2/29/12 - $2.99 Xenoholics #5  2/29/12 - $3.50

Angel and Faith #7 
2/29/12 - $2.99
Immortal: Demon in the Blood #3 
2/29/12 - $3.50
King Conan: The Phoenix on the Sword #2 
2/29/12 - $3.50
Usagi Yojimbo #144  2/29/12 - $3.50  

Hellraiser #11 
2/29/12 - $3.99
Steed and Mrs. Peel #2  2/29/12 - $3.99