Welcome to the wonderful world of Comic Books. Nerd. Here is where great art comes to great writing, bad movie ideas come to Sony/Columbia businessmen, and fantasy comes to life. Where some guy wearing oddly-colored tights and a funny mask isn't reserved for drag-queens and Theater Arts majors. It's a magical place where Cleavage Woman and Every Nerd make sweet "fap."
We here at Popping Off invite you to come and share in our opinions and interpretations of all things Comic-y. Learn a thing or two with our in-depth, unparalleled reviews. Indulge yourself in our galleries, where we'll feature both professional and not-so-professional works alike. Stay up to date, or behind the times with our Marvel RSS feed tied to our (slightly more focused) snail-mail Comic News adaptation. And, we'll be working on a comic-shop review page, as well. Nothing more satisfying than finding that special place to buy your picture-books...and nothing more enraging than getting reamed by some self-aggrandizing prick who forgot what a comic shop is supposed to be.